May you also be blessed in return <3
“Nowhere in this country, from sea to sea, does nature comfort us with such assurance of plenty, such rich and tranquil beauty as in those unsung, unpainted hills of Pennsylvania.” ~Rebecca Harding Davis
26 August 2010
Sneaky little someone....
I came back from lunch today...and found this on my desk:
Someone has been sneaky. And you are wonderful! Your little kindness def. lifted my spirits today and your words were perfect. It HAD to have been a reader of my this is the best way I know to say THANKS.
May you also be blessed in return <3
May you also be blessed in return <3
25 August 2010
It's back porch dinner time again...
Ahh....we have turned off the AC, flung open the windows and slept soundly.
Tonight, it was time to wipe down the patio table, crank up the umbrella, and eat outside. We love to do that, but the recent heat has kept us indoors. We love this kind of evening. Eating outside seems....slower. You talk more, relax more, and just enjoy. Enjoy each other, all the tastes, as well as the butterflies that are so prevalent in our backyard (they love the butterfly bush, but they don't love L's net).
Dinner last night included....
Peppercorn Pork Tenderloin
Chiabata bread and individual dipping oil
Tomato/Fresh Basil/ Mozzarella salad
Does your family enjoy eating outdoors? What are some your favorite memories?
Tonight, it was time to wipe down the patio table, crank up the umbrella, and eat outside. We love to do that, but the recent heat has kept us indoors. We love this kind of evening. Eating outside seems....slower. You talk more, relax more, and just enjoy. Enjoy each other, all the tastes, as well as the butterflies that are so prevalent in our backyard (they love the butterfly bush, but they don't love L's net).
Dinner last night included....
Peppercorn Pork Tenderloin
Chiabata bread and individual dipping oil
Tomato/Fresh Basil/ Mozzarella salad
Does your family enjoy eating outdoors? What are some your favorite memories?
24 August 2010
The Valley
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In geology, a valley or dale is a depression with predominant extent in one direction. A very deep river valley may be called a canyon or gorge.
Webster defines a valley as: an elongate depression of the earth's surface usually between ranges of hills or mountains; a low point or condition.
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Do you ever find yourself going through some sort of valley time...but don't feel the liberty to expound on it's makeup? That is where I find myself today. The road to this valley has SO many facet's, it's hard to pinpoint the start of the decline. But in here, it's jagged, dingy, random pebbles and rocks that will cause an even further stumble. I do see the daylight as I stare up to the crest of the next height. Not sure what it will take to begin the ascent, I look around. Pondering. Dreaming. Questioning. But most of all, praying.... seeking direction from the only ONE that can truly guide.
But today. Today I need the reminder to KEEP seeking...praying....resting.
While here, I have begun to see that I don't want this time to be for naught. So I dig. I am digging, like Isaac's servants....for some FRESH water in this valley. I pray that my perspective is well enough that I find it. (Genesis 26:19 Isaac's servants dug in the valley and discovered a well of fresh water there.)
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We seem to often associate the valley with something hard or negative. But as I was searching through scripture, I cam upon some positive references to valleys:Psalm 65:13, Psalm 84:6, Psalm 104:8, Isaiah 28:4. That is just the surface. This may be a wonderful topic for further study at some point.
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But for now, I leave you with lyrics to this song by Jard of Clay, which has been resonating with me of late...
And if you've stuck with me this far...a question.
What does a valley look like/mean to you?
Valley Song Lyrics (click to play)
You have led me to the sadness
I have carried this pain
On a back bruised, nearly broken
I'm crying out to you
I will sing of Your mercy
That leads me through valleys of sorrow
To rivers of joy
When death like a Gypsy
Comes to steal what I love
I will still look to the heavens
I will still seek your face
But I fear you aren't listening
Because there are no words
Just the stillness and the hunger
For a faith that assures
Alleluia, alleluia
Alleluia, alleluia
While we wait for rescue
With our eyes tightly shut
Face to the ground using our hands
To cover the fatal cut
And though the pain is an ocean
Tossing us around, around, around
You have calmed greater waters
Higher mountains have come down
Alleluia, alleluia
Alleluia, alleluia
Mercy. Your mercy
20 August 2010
Get your SWAG on!
It is Mega Swagbucks day! Happy Friday!
So what does that mean? It means that they will be awarding Swagbucks in larger increments today! So make sure you use Swagbucks today to get the biggest bang for your “search”! (If you are not using Swagbucks, check out below to find out how it works and why you should use it!)
Try using Swagbucks when you search for everyday things – even when you are checking email!
Be Rewarded With Swag Bucks!
I have talked often about Swagbucks and the benefits. I want to highly suggest that you start using Swagbucks now to help pay for Christmas 2010.
A blogger friend told me she was able to use $125.00 in gift cards from Swagbucks towards her Christmas. Combine the $125 in gift cards with great deals, she paid for most of her Christmas gifts using Swagbucks. So if you start now, you can save up for Christmas.
Recommendation: Make Swagbucks your home page and use it to find websites that your frequently visit. I earned 1 Swagbuck for searching for my an image for you just now.
If you add the Toolbar you can earn 1-2 swagbucks just for opening your browser. On Fridays, you can earn doubleSwagbucks. So realistically without doing anything other than searching, you can earn from 40-60 Swagbucks by just searching a month. If you do the minimum of 40swagbucks per month, you will earn 480 in a year, which will contribute up to $120.00 to your Christmas (depending on what giftcards you choose to redeem). If you earn 60 a month, you can earn even more!
There are other ways to earn to. You can turn in your old cell phones [lilke we did] or gaming systems for up to 300Swagbucks, you can recommend your friends or you can do some online shopping thruSwagbucks to earn. Even a daily poll gets you 1Swagbuck!
Have you had success with Swagbucks?
19 August 2010
Lisa Leonard Giveaway
I love the chance to win. Anything.
Do I often actually win? Sadly, no. But here's to trying!
Today's's jewelry AND a $100 Target gift card! I love Lisa's pewter and pearl look....and would love to WIN one. Wouldn't you?

If you buy one....let me know what you get =o)
Do I often actually win? Sadly, no. But here's to trying!
Today's's jewelry AND a $100 Target gift card! I love Lisa's pewter and pearl look....and would love to WIN one. Wouldn't you?

If you buy one....let me know what you get =o)
18 August 2010
It's back to school time! And yes...that means clothes shopping. But have you been OUT there and seen the fall fashion? I didn't think it was as bad as it is, but it's a total Throwback to my junior high
Our 9 year old is enthralled with skinny jeans. LOVES them. In colors. Here is a pic from Justice:
She is now awaiting a pair in pink. I hope she doesn't ask for feathered bangs us. We have had enough with all the Justin Bieber talk ;)
What are YOUR thoughts on this years' back-to-school look? I would LOVE to hear what your kids are obsessing over. Don't get me started on the constant request for hi-tops.....
Our 9 year old is enthralled with skinny jeans. LOVES them. In colors. Here is a pic from Justice:
She is now awaiting a pair in pink. I hope she doesn't ask for feathered bangs us. We have had enough with all the Justin Bieber talk ;)
What are YOUR thoughts on this years' back-to-school look? I would LOVE to hear what your kids are obsessing over. Don't get me started on the constant request for hi-tops.....
17 August 2010
a new beginning...
Kristi here. Seems this spring and summer I have been making the drive to Pa quite a bit....with 2 sisters getting married within months of each other, bridal showers to be thrown, much merrymaking to be made. And in all my drives up I-90, I have come to realize something. Pa was a great place and offered much.
I moved to Ohio for college...and stayed in Ohio for my job....met my husband in Ohio....and here I remain. I'm finding many great things here. But there will always remain a soft-spot in my heart for good ol' Pennsylvania.
So begins a new blogging endeavor. One I think will tend to more posting with more consistency and better direction. I hope to have various 'topics', if you will. Ranging from Baking (obviously!), Foodie (my hubs and I love to cook), Outdoors (somewhere I hope to spend more time), Family (as I journey through what it means to be a wife and step-mom), and others, I'm sure.
Thanks for stopping by as a Pa girl types out her ponderings....I hope you enjoy and stay awhile...
I moved to Ohio for college...and stayed in Ohio for my job....met my husband in Ohio....and here I remain. I'm finding many great things here. But there will always remain a soft-spot in my heart for good ol' Pennsylvania.
So begins a new blogging endeavor. One I think will tend to more posting with more consistency and better direction. I hope to have various 'topics', if you will. Ranging from Baking (obviously!), Foodie (my hubs and I love to cook), Outdoors (somewhere I hope to spend more time), Family (as I journey through what it means to be a wife and step-mom), and others, I'm sure.
Thanks for stopping by as a Pa girl types out her ponderings....I hope you enjoy and stay awhile...
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